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  3. How do I Remove a Mailbox in the ACC?

How do I Remove a Mailbox in the ACC?




WP Professional Plus

WP Enthusiast and WP Professional hosting accounts can use this tutorial if the Email Add On has been enabled.

If you were looking for how to disable an email service for WP Hosting, see our article Adding and Disabling Email Service for WP Hosting.

What Happens When I Delete a Mailbox

All Accounts

  • You can no longer log into the mailbox’s email address. This includes logging in via webmail, IMAP, and POP3.
  • If the deleted mailbox has ACC email delivery instructions (referred to as recipes in the ACC) configured, they will continue to function. If the deleted mailbox has no recipes set-up, incoming emails will bounce.
  • ACC email delivery instructions addressed to the deleted mailbox will also be deleted, with the exception of ACC forwarding recipes and third-party mail forwarding. Forwarded emails will make it through if there are recipes associated with the deleted mailbox. If there are none, the forwarded emails will bounce.

Shared Hosting and WP Enthusiast

  • Any mail stored in the deleted mailbox or its IMAP folders is archived within 24 hours after the mailbox is deleted. Archived mail is purged after 90 days.

If you recreate a mailbox with the same name before the mail is archived, you can recover the email.

Dedicated, VPS, and Shared Hosting Accounts Created Before June 1st, 2011

  • Mail files can be deleted or recovered as needed through the ACC Files interface on the server.
  • Email data is never archived and purged for deleted mailboxes, though this means mail uses customer’s disk space.
  • Customers with a username@pair.com can’t delete their mailbox.

If you have a username@pair.com, you can block all emails sent to that address in order to avoid excess disk charges.

Removing a Mailbox in the ACC

  1. Go to the Account Control Center (ACC)
  2. In the left sidebar, click E-Mail, then click E-Mail Settings in the drop-downemail settings image
  3. Under Mailbox Usage, click Mailboxes currently configuredmailboxes currently configured image
  4. Find the mailbox you want to delete under Mailbox Usernamelist image
  5. Once found, check the box in the mailbox’s corresponding Delete category delete image
  6. Click Delete Selected Mailboxes buttondelete button image
  7. Check the mailbox(es) under Mailbox and confirm they are correct
  8. Click Confirm Delete

Your mailbox is now deleted.

Updated on February 5, 2019

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