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Block Editor: Adding Mailchimp Form to Your WordPress Site

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If you use Mailchimp, you can put a connected form on your WordPress site. The form will automatically add entries to your Mailchimp mailing list.

Make sure you are using the Gutenberg block editor. If you upgraded to WordPress 5, then your post and page editor will default to use the Gutenberg editor. If you are still using WordPress 4 (or earlier) or have the Classic Editor installed, then your editor will not work with this tutorial.

For instructions on how to add a form to your WordPress site with the Gutenberg Editor, read below.

If you are using the Classic WordPress editor, you can follow the instructions in the Classic Editor: Adding Mailchimp Form to Your WordPress Site article.

If you use Mailchimp, but don’t use WordPress, check out our other MailChimp Form articles:

Step 1: Create an Mailchimp Audience 

Your first steps will be in Mailchimp. If you have not yet created an audience, follow the steps in this section. If you have already created an audience, you can skip to the Create a Mailchimp Form section.

  1. Go to the left navigation bar, click Audience, then click Audience Dashboard in the drop-down.
  2. Then on the right side of the screenfind and click the Manage Audiences tab.
  3. In the drop-down, click View audiences
  4. Then at the top of the next page, click the Create Audience button. This will take you through the audience creation process. 

Step 2: Create a Mailchimp Form

Once you have an audience created, it’s time to create your opt-in form!

To do so, follow these steps:

  1.  Go to the left navigation bar and click Audiences. A drop-down will appear. In this drop-down, click Signup forms
  2. Then, under the Current audience header, select the audience you wish to create a form for. 
  3. Next to Embedded forms, click Select
  4. In the left sidebar, you will see a list of form options. Edit the form options as you see fit. Note that you can change the form type by selecting ClassicCondensedHorizontal, etc.
  5. Copy the code under the Copy/paste onto your site header
  6. Now go to your WordPress site

Step 3: Add the Form to Your WordPress Site

Once you’ve logged in to your WordPress, navigate to the page or post editor where you would like to add the form. 

  1. Once there, add a Custom HTML block in the location you would like the form
  2. Paste the code you copied from Mailchimp into the Custom HTML block

You can use the Preview button in the block's toolbar to see what the form will look like. Once you are satisfied with your form, save or publish your page or post.

Updated on August 22, 2023

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