You may remove a domain from your hosting account if you no longer wish for it to be hosted. When you remove a domain, any website files associated with it will no longer be accessible from the web. Mailboxes associated with the domain will also be deleted and will not be retrievable after deletion.
Once a domain has been removed from the hosting account, it may be added again by following the steps in our Adding a Domain to Your Hosting Account article.
Removing a Domain from a Shared, VPS, or Dedicated Hosting Account
- Log in to the Account Control Center (ACC)
- In the left sidebar, click Domains, then click Manage Your Domain Names in the drop-down
- In the Domain Name category, click the name of the domain you want to remove
- On the next page, find the Delete Domain from Account button and click it
- Confirm the deletion by clicking the Delete [domain] button
Your domain will now be deleted permanently from your account. A confirmation banner will appear at the top of the page.
If you need to add the domain back at a later date, you can do so by following the instructions in our How to Add a Domain to Your Hosting Account article.