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Using PairCDN with WordPress




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Enabling PairCDN

  1. Log in to the Account Control Center (ACC)
  2. In the left sidebar, click Add Ons,
  3. Click PairCDN in the drop-down
  4. Enter the following information:
DomainSelect a domain you want to add PairCDN to.

Note: You must first add domains to your account for this option to be available.
HostnameChoose a name to represent the CDN version of your site. Your chosen hostname is added to the beginning of your domain to create a unique URL to access the CDN version of your site.

Example: cdn.domain.com, hostname.example.com
EmailEnter your email address. We will send information to this address regarding PairCDN, such as set-up information, notices, service changes, etc.
  1. Click Submit

You must wait for the PairCDN set up to be complete before proceeding with activating the CDN in WordPress. Failure to do so can result in the site not loading. This process may take several hours.

Activating the PairCDN Service in WordPress

The next step is to activate the PairCDN service on your WordPress site. You can use a third-party plugin, like CDN Enabler by KeyCDN, to make the WordPress PairCDN setup simple.

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin interface. For more information on how to log in, see Logging in to WordPress Admin Interface article.
  2. Install and activate the CDN Enabler plugin by KeyCDN
  3. Once installed and activated, click the Plugins tab in the left sidebar
  4. Find the CDN Enabler plugin and click its Settings button
  5. In the CDN Hostname field, enter the hostname you chose during the CDN creation process
  6. Click the Save Changes button

The site now will begin to use the PairCDN service to speed up the page loads.

Updated on August 3, 2023

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