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  3. Adding Podcast Hosts to the Fractal Theme (Podcast Websites Exclusive)

Adding Podcast Hosts to the Fractal Theme (Podcast Websites Exclusive)

Fractal, a Podcast Websites exclusive theme, makes it easy to spotlight the podcast host. You provide the host information, and the Fractal theme will create a homepage section and page for the host. 

Add a Podcast Host to the Fractal Theme

To add the host information to your website:

  1. Log in to the WordPress admin interface. In most cases, you can access this at: https://yoursite.com/wp-admin. See specific instructions for accessing your WordPress admin interface in this article
  2. Make sure you have the Fractal Theme activated

    Tip: You can check which theme you have installed by going to Appearance > Themes
  3. Once you have confirmed that the Fractal theme is activated, click on Podcast Hosts in the left sidebar
  4. Click the Add New button
  5. This will open the Edit Podcast Host interface. Enter the following information:
    a) Title: Enter the name of your host
    b) Body: Enter a brief introduction about your host
    c) Featured Image: Upload an image of the host.
  6. Click Publish

Once published, the new host information will appear on your homepage and as a dedicated Podcast Host page. 

Updated on August 23, 2023

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