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Pair Networks account holders have referral codes that they can give to friends, family, or the casual passerby. If the referral code is used when a new account is set up, both accounts will receive rewards. For reward specifics, check out our Specials page.
Check out the current referral rewards on our Pair Networks’ specials page.
You can find your referral code by:
- Logging in to the Account Control Center (ACC) at
- Click Referral Codes at the bottom of the left sidebar
- Click View your current Referral Codes
Your referral code will be listed.
Don’t worry. The old code will still work, even if you have created new codes. Each code is multi-use and won’t expire.
When they get to the Billing Info step of the account setup, they can enter your referral code into the Coupon Code box. Once they apply it, it will apply the reward to their total.
Yes! We love when you refer people. We do have a limit of one promotion per referred customer, but if you refer multiple people, you can stack your rewards.
Once their payment has been successfully processed, your reward will be applied to your account. The reward will count toward your future invoices.
No. Referral rewards only count toward hosting fees.
No. Codes will never expire.
Up to 10 in the ACC, or more if you contact our sales team!
If you don't see a referral code interface, contact our sales team.