You can increase the allowed max upload size by using a PHP directive. By using this directive, you can change the max upload size on one or more directories.
To edit the PHP max upload size, you need to first have a custom .user.ini file. For more information about these files, see this article about .user.ini.
How to Increase PHP Max Upload Size
Once you have chosen whether you are using a .user.ini file, you can continue to the steps below:
- Log in to Account Control Center (ACC)
- Navigate to your .user.ini file
- Enter the max upload size directive into the file like this:
upload_max_filesize = integer
Replace integer with the new max file size. The integer defaults to using bytes, unless another accepted type of measurement is indicated.
Accepted Measurements:
- Kilobyte: K
- Megabyte: M
- Gigabyte: G
If you use a measurement that differs from default, your max file size directive will look something like these:
upload_max_filesize = 100K
100 kilobytes is now the max upload size.
upload_max_filesize = 50M
50 megabytes is now the max upload size.
upload_max_filesize = 25G
25 gigabytes is now the max upload size.
When finished, save the file. You may not see changes immediately. It may take up to five minutes to go into effect.