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Pair Networks offers File Backups, which are customer accessible backups. These backups are fully manageable by you. By enabling File Backups, you will be given access to a special backups interface that allows you to not only handle your file backups, but also see what files have been backed up and recover them as needed.
This type of backup is ideal for fixing user errors and minor mistakes. File Backups take snapshots of your server once a day, then stores them in off-server drives (so if anything happens to your server, it will not affect the backups). You can even configure your File Backups with the cron utility to take backup snapshots of your MySQL databases.
File Backups do not contribute to your hosting accounts disk space. Instead, you will pay for the amount of storage you want to be available for backups. When your disk space quota is reached, older backups will be deleted to make room for new backups. If deleting the oldest backup does not free up enough space for a new backup, older backups will be deleted until there is enough room within your quota for the new backup.