If you wish to track your website's hits and usage statistics, you can use the powerful website statistics tool, Webalizer. The latest version of our web servers is Webalizer.
Activating Webalizer
You can easily activate Webalizer using our Account Control Center (ACC):
- Log into the Account Control Center
- Click Website Statistics
- Click Reports (located under the Bandwidth Usage heading)
- Select Webalizer from the drop-down menu (to the right of the Log Analysis Tool heading)
- Click Change Tool
- Click Tool Settings
- Modify the Webalizer Settings
- Click Update Settings
To learn about what each of the Webalizer settings means, read our Webalizer settings descriptions section below.
Once you activate Webalizer, each night at 12 AM US Eastern time, Webalizer will generate usage reports for your account. Be sure to activate your Webalizer nightly reports so that you can view your Webalizer reports (which are based on your nightly Web logs). You can activate your nightly reports when you click the "Reports" button in the website Statistics section of the Account Control Center. If your nightly reports are active, you can also view your Webalizer reports using the "Report URL" on this page as well.
For information on how to interpret your Webalizer reports, visit the Webalizer help page.
Set up Webalizer for Multiple Domain Names
If you have multiple domain names on your account, and you want to run
reports per domain name, you will need to follow a few additional steps
below. You will have to follow these steps for each domain name one at a
- Set up Webalizer as you normally would through the Account Control Center
- Enter the directory /usr/home/USERNAME/log_config via SSH (replace USERNAME with your Pair Networks username)
- Begin editing WEBALIZER_LOGNAME.cfg (LOGNAME is the name that you gave the ACC to use for separate logs for your domain name)
- Remove the line "#AUTO GENERATED FILE - Webalizer Configuration" from the top of WEBALIZER_LOGNAME.cfg
- Set the report name you wish on the line for ReportTitle (e.g. ReportTitle "Statistics for www.example.com")
- Set the hostname line for Hostname to the configuration file's domain name (e.g. "HostName example.com")
- Save this newly updated configuration file
- Repeat these steps for each domain name
You can also set up a URL for your website statistics by editing the
OutputDir field in the configuration file. You can set OutputDir to a path
under the mapped directory for a domain name. For instance, if one of your
domain names is mapped to /usr/www/users/Username/example.com/, you could set OutputDir to use:
OutputDir /usr/www/users/Username/example.com/stats/
You will then be able to view your website statistics for example.com at the URL http://www.example.com/stats/. These changes will be reflected on the next nightly run of Webalizer.
Using the Tool Settings Page
The Tool Settings page gives you the option of changing the information
displayed on your Webalizer reports. You can name the report by using the
Report Title field. If you only have one domain name on your Web hosting
account, enter that domain name (example.com) in the Hostname field. If
you have more than one domain name on your account, leave the "Hostname"
field blank.
You may also designate a specific directory on your Pair Networks server where these reports will be saved in the Report Output Directory field. By default, the directory will be WEBALIZER_REPORTS. Please note that it is NOT necessary to change the Report Title, Hostname, and Report Output Directory fields to produce Webalizer reports.
The other options are easily changed by selecting the desired setting from the drop-down menus. These Webalizer settings are described in more detail below.
Webalizer Setting Descriptions
Webalizer allows you to update your settings via the Account Control
Center (ACC) or via a command line program such as SSH. For information
on manually configuring Webalizer, visit this sample Webalizer configuration file.
You can find your Webalizer configuration file at the path
/usr/home/USERNAME/log_config/FILENAME where you replace "USERNAME" with
your pair Networks username and "FILENAME" is replaced with the
configuration file's filename. The default report file name is "www."
If you split the reports for a domain name out into separate reports, you
can name the file whatever you want (even though it defaults to the domain
For example, the Webalizer config file for example.com would be:
The ACC settings descriptions and how to modify them are listed below:
Report Output Directory
You need to specify the path on the server where you would like the Webalizer reports to go. Make sure that you have created this subdirectory in your home directory. Here's an example path to include:
Make sure you replace the word "example" with your Pair Networks username.
This option allows you to name the Webalizer report.
GMT Time can be set to "On" and "Off" using the ACC. Setting it to "On" will show the log output in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) time. If set to "Off," the output will be in local server time or Eastern US time.
This option allows you to enable or disable the creation and display of a Daily Usage statistics table. The option can be set to "On" or "Off" using the ACC. The default value is "On."
Show graph legends will display a color-coded legend. The default is "On," so you must set it to "Off" if you do not want the legend displayed on your report.
This option will create a separate page containing all the URLs that have been visited. The option can be set to "On" or "Off."
This option will display the top search strings. The option can set the number of search strings (either zero, 5, 10, 20, or 50).
This option should be set to the length of time a visitor can remain idle without the session being considered a "new hit." The default value is 30 minutes. In the ACC, the options are zero minutes, five minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, and one hour.
This option can display a graph of the countries that visited your website. The option can be set to "On" or "Off."
This option will display a graph of your website statistics by the hour. The option can be set to "On" or "Off" using the ACC.
This option will create a separate page showing all referral links. The option can be set to "On" or "Off."
This option will display the Top entry page report. The default is set at 10 pages. It can be disabled by setting it to 0. You can also set it to 5, 20, or 50.
This option will create a separate page displaying all search strings. The option can be set to "On" or "Off."
This option should be set to the number of top referring links to be shown on the main page. The default setting in the ACC is 5. The other options are 10, 20. 50, and 100.
This option will display a graph of your website statistics by the day. The option can be set to "On" or "Off."
This option will create an hourly statistical report. The option can be set to "On" or "Off."
This option will display the top visited URLs on your report and can be set to either zero, five, 10, 20, or 50.
This option will display the top pages that leave your website.
This option displays the top number of countries that visit your website. The default is five. You can disable this feature by setting the value to zero via the ACC.