Deprecation can be frustrating for our users. We know this, so we only use deprecation as a last resort. However, sometimes it is necessary.
What is Deprecation?
Deprecation is the act of discontinuing a feature, system, or process. Once discontinued, this feature/system/process is either removed completely, disabled, or strongly discouraged.
Why Do We Deprecate?
Security flaws are the most common reason for deprecation. We use open-source software, like webmail clients or operating systems, to supplement our products. This software is developed by third parties, not by Pair Networks. Most of the open-source software we use is maintained by their third party creators, meaning that it is regularly updated and patched.
However, Pair Networks has been in business for over twenty years. Because of this, some of the software we originally used, which was cutting edge at the time, is no longer being maintained.
Software that isn't being maintained will not be fixed when security flaws are discovered. This is dangerous since security flaws can compromise your server. Sometimes we patch the software ourselves so that customers can keep using it. However, this takes time and effort that could have been spent on new features or regular server maintenance.
Because of this, sometimes the best option is to deprecate the software and remove it from use. If this is the case, it could remove some functionality from your server. However, we do our best to find a replacement software that will afford you the same benefits, without compromising on security.
In short, we deprecate software to keep your servers safe and secure. We understand that this process can be frustrating. However, it is necessary to continue offering you secure, reliable web hosting.